Chiesa di San Salvatore

Resist/Evolve is the title of the solo performance by American saxophonist Dan Kinzelmann, who has been very active in Italy for decades, also with his own bands including Hobby Horse, that performed at Bergamo Jazz in 2021, and Ghost Horse. The basic idea is to study the limits of our bodies and minds, through the relentless need to survive, hold out and create in adversity: using special breathing techniques, Dan Kinzelman creates uninterrupted and improvised soundscapes based on the frequencies contained in a single saxophone note.



Sala Piatti

“A group of people enjoying music together, that’s my idea of a “Good Time”: live music, in real time, experienced at the very moment it is created” explains Django Bates during the presentation of his piano solo concert. “Two years ago, when I started writing new piano pieces, I was at a point where I wanted to simplify everything in my life, and I went through a distillation process. The resulting compositions, such as “Flurry In The Desert”, “Iris”, “My Idea Of A Good Time”, embrace all the ways in which the piano has been a cherished friend of mine over time”
